

knife and tool sharpening

My name is Bill... I've been tinkering in my workshop for years and I've alwasy known that to get the best results my tools NEED TO BE SHARP! It doesn't matter if I'm carving wood or carving Sunday's roast beast. A sharp tool or knife is much easier and safer to use, and always does a better job.

With a precise water-cooled sharpening system and a variety of jigs and grinding methods I get an awesome razor sharp cutting edge with minimal tool wear, and zero risk of overheating.

I sharpen household knives, chef's knives, craft knives, and knives used for hunting & fishing. Tools, garden shears, axes/hatchets, mower blades, machetes, garden tools, woodworking tools, carving tools, chisels, and wood turning tools... if you are not sure - Ask.

Since offering my services I've heard a lot of stories about this guy or that, the quality of the work, the stupid prices, or the time it takes to get things done. So I try to keep things pretty simple. I'll get your job done by the end of the next day. I sharpen your knives / tools with the same dilligence and attention to detail as if I was sharpenning my own - I get them SHARP! If you are not happy, I'll do it over or give you your money back.

My prices look like this:

  • Knives up to 10" blade - $6.00

  • Knives over 10" blade - $10.00

  • Hatchets / axes - $10.00

  • Woodworking chisels - $10.00

  • Hand plane $10.00

  • Shears / scissors - $12.00

  • Lawmower Blade / Machete - $12.00

Request Quote/Pick UP/Drop Off

Please ensure you provide all your contact info including tel: # for a more prompt response. Typical tournaround time is 24-48 Hrs. Confirm your Dropoff / Pickup time and any special requests.

Name E-mail Message Submit

Contact info:

At times I may not be available - Confirm your Dropoff / Pickup time and any special requests.

105 Main W, Grimsby ON L3M 1R5


Monday till Friday: 9AM - 6PM, Sat: 10AM - 4PM, Closed Sundays